Inside Calhoun County

K9 Officers are a Force on the Force

This time on Inside Calhoun County, Deputies Matt Burpee and David Winder talk about the role of K9 officers in Calhoun County. They also help us understand the process to bring a K9 officer to the force, the training involved – and, yes, the bond with their human...

Public Defender’s Office Created After State Reforms in 2019

This time, Inside Calhoun County visits with David Makled, who oversees the Calhoun County Public Defender's Office. Created in 2019, the office was created after a state commission charged with studying the state of public defense called for reforms. Click to listen...

Working to Turn Around Young Lives: The Calhoun County Youth Center

Once known as the ”juvenile home”, the Calhoun County Youth Center has adopted an outlook more befitting of its mission: To bring a positive difference in the lives of young people who visit. In this episode of Inside Calhoun County, Youth Center Director Tori Benden...

Community Development Brings Several Services Together

Calhoun County's Community Development department is the focus of this episode of Inside Calhoun County. Community Development Director Jen Bomba discusses the multiple areas that encompass community development – and how staffers often become the ”thinktank” for new...

Fighting Calhoun County’s Opioid Epidemic

Calhoun County Administrator/Controller Kelli Scott and Amy Dolinky with the Michigan Association of Counties join host Richard Piet to discuss the Calhoun County Opioid Settlement Steering Committee and its focus. Calhoun County is slated to receive approximately $11...

Road Department: Here’s How to Track 2024 Road Work Online

Inside Calhoun County visits with Kristine Parsons, interim executive director of the Calhoun County Road Department. She shares pertinent information related to road work in 2024, including: How the warm winter has affected planned road work in 2024. The many...

Calhoun County Early Voting Feb. 17-25, 2024: Here’s What to Know

Registered Michigan voters have the first chance ever to cast ballots before the state primary election with the implementation of early voting. Voters passed a ballot proposal in 2022 adding 9 days of early voting ahead of many Election Days. In this episode, Calhoun...

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