In his first long form interview after his defeat in the November 2024 election, Michigan House 44th District Rep. Jim Haadsma (D-Battle Creek) speaks with Community Matters about the post-election process to confirm the vote.
A recount and canvass determined Haadsma received just 79 fewer votes than challenger, Republican Steve Frisbie.
Haadsma asserts that Calhoun County Clerk Kim Hinkley, also a Republican, was not balanced in her communication about the post-election verification process between the campaigns.
”I received one communication from Clerk Kim Hinkley throughout this process,” Haadsma told Community Matters. ”That was…when she called to communicate the official outcome after the canvass,” he said.
Haadsma spoke with Community Matters just one day after the lame duck Michigan House session came to an end amidst a walkout by the GOP caucus and one Democrat, said to be influenced by the Earned Sick Time Act and planned tipped minimum wage – both set to take effect in February 2025.
Episode Resources
Detroit Free Press: Hand recount confirms Republican Steve Frisbie’s victory in Battle Creek House race
Community Matters: For Frisbie, Election ‘Ups and Downs’ Came After Election Day
Former WBCK Morning Show host Richard Piet (2014-2017) returns to host Community Matters, an interview program focused on community leaders and newsmakers in and around Battle Creek. Community Matters is heard Saturdays, 8:00 AM Eastern on WBCK-FM (95.3) and anytime at
Community Matters is sponsored by Lakeview Ford Lincoln and produced by Livemic Communications.