When asked about tariffs the Trump administration is enacting, Battle Creek auto dealer Vince Pavone of Lakeview Ford suggests folks should take a breath.
Pavone calls tariffs a negotiating tactic, pointing to those employed in the first Trump administration in the solar panel and washing machine industry. He also suggests rushing to judgment on tariffs is not productive.
In this visit with Community Matters, Pavone also relates the potential outcome of tariffs on the electric vehicle sector.
Episode Resources
Lakeview Ford Lincoln
Former WBCK Morning Show host Richard Piet (2014-2017) returns to host Community Matters, an interview program focused on community leaders and newsmakers in and around Battle Creek. Community Matters is heard Saturdays, 8:00 AM Eastern on WBCK-FM (95.3) and anytime at battlecreekpodcast.com.
Community Matters is sponsored by Lakeview Ford Lincoln and produced by Livemic Communications.