(Vicksburg Visit 4) Oswalt Park Restoration Moving Forward

A Crowdfunding effort to fund the restoration of Vicksburg's Oswalt Park will end on October 15, 2021. In the meantime, efforts are underway to secure a matching grant from the State of Michigan which will double the funds raised. Until the deadline, Crowdfunding donations are still being accepted – and will be doubled, thanks to the grant from the state.

In Vicksburg Visit Episode 4, the Village's Alex Lee talks about the effort, the state matching funds – and “Uncle Jim” Oswalt and his legacy – the man for whom Oswalt Park is named.

Donate here – and see the rendering of proposed plans for the park: https://www.patronicity.com/project/bringing_oswalt_park_back_to_life#!/

Recording date: September 23, 2021

Episode Resources

Oswalt Park Crowdfunding Page

Oswalt Park Homepage

Oswalt Park Crowdfunding Press Release 

More Vicksburg Visit Episodes

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